Friends of Felsentor

Felsentor was established to create a place of encounter – an encounter with people, animals, nature, oneself and ultimately with the great mystery which has many and no names.

Embedded into an ancient spiritual tradition, we cultivate a place where the vision of peace, silence and the common good comes to life in daily meditation practice and in the concrete commitment for the welfare of all beings: May all beings be happy!

In order to sustain such a place, it takes a lot of constructive forces. The circle of friends plays a central role in this: It is made up of people who are ready to support Felsentor ideally and/or materially (in form of financial contributions, product donations or by active help). The more people decide to set an example for the prosperity of this place by their membership in the circle of friends, the better Felsentor is able to make its vision come true.

As a member of the circle of friends you take part in the development of Felsentor, meet like-minded people on the annual meetings and experience a bond through shared commitment for a peaceful, non-injurious way of life which serves the well-being of all.

All donations to Felsentor can be deducted from taxes in Switzerland and Germany.

Thank you very much for your generosity!